HMA 2023 kickoff meeting with the 27 nominees!

For the 3rd consecutive year, the 10 European partners of the HEMI initiative met online with the 27 artists nominees of the first phase of the HEMI MUSIC AWARDS, this time all partners joined the meeting while in Athens for their annual physical meeting.

It is, as every year, a huge pleasure to discover all these emerging, super creative and talented artists from Central & Southeastern Europe.

Artists and representatives got informed about the HEMI Music Awards (HMA) timeline, the events and training activities. All HMA nominees will get access to online training covering major topics related to music business whilst enhancing skills and competencies they need towards the development of their international career.

For more information on the 27 nominated artists and bands from Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia, you can also visit: HMA 27 Nominees.