Avopolis.gr is the first Greek music portal with 24 years of life (founded in 1996) and the most popular music site. Strictly original content from the music industry, with exclusive photo & video material.

Avopolis.gr also has the Movieword.gr section, with the latest movie and TV series news. It gathers the most dynamic audience, age 25-34, of higher education, which follows an alternative lifestyle and seeks the different.

This year Avopolis.gr won 2 prizes at the Digital Media Awards ’20 for the project “Backstage Online Film Festival”: Best Outstanding New Project / Product and Best Native Advertising – Content Marketing | Covid-19.

For four weeks, starting June 23rd, every night was an interactive cinema and music experience! One of the few free online festivals worldwide, with over 90.000 views and almost 900.000 page views in a unique 3D / VR-Like environment.

With 33 editors, 20 photographers and an online radio (www.avopolisradio.gr), Avopolis.gr is the opinion leader in music industry.